WHO IS... Exposé is a regularly published, web based magazine of poetry, culture and writing resources mined from the web edited by Eric Nunnally.
WHAT WE DO is publish poetry, short stories and artwork by new and published poets/authors/artists. There are no restrictions on style or content, but submissions should be no longer than three pages. Exposé considers all submissions but is unable to pay for accepted works. Rights, however, remain with the poet/author/artist upon publication.
WHY WE DO IT? Everybody has something to say, and some really need to be heard... or read (smile). Here, at last, is a friendly site that is easy to love because it loves you back. So bring your world visions, dreams, epiphanies and cathartic expressions... or just something simple you would like to share. You are more than welcome here.
HOW WE DO IT? Through your generous and much appreciated donations.